visiting daddy at work | photo by Nissa, BABYLOVE

Today’s challenge for moms on maternity leave? Bring your adorable baby to visit your partner at work.

When your partner works on the other side of a toll bridge from your home, visiting him at work costs a minimum of $5.00. but still, it’s an adventure worth doing. stop in for lunch and wave at the grown-ups doing their thing.

When your partner works on the other side of a toll bridge from your home, visiting him at work costs a minimum of $5.00. but still, it’s an adventure worth doing. stop in for lunch and wave at the grown-ups doing their thing.

I think it’s feasible for most professions, but feel free to let me know if you are someone for whom this suggestion is ridiculous. If your partner works at home or does not work… go visit a friend or your old co-workers.)

If your partner works at home or does not work… go visit a friend or your old co-workers.

I assumed I would do this all the time while I was on maternity leave, but it only happened once. (See cost of driving above.) Therefore, I now see it as a major outing. I suppose it depends entirely on the commute.

This is your eleventh challenge in our series of weekly activities for moms.

The day I drove over the bridge and went to meet up with Ryan, he was more interested in getting out of the office to see us than in having us come in to show off the baby. mi pasuje. I didn’t need all those germy people putting their hands on my baby. We had lunch together outside and Julian slept through the entire thing. He had no knowledge of his extra time with dad that day, but hey, I got to use a restroom all by myself. What a special event!

Did you complete this challenge? love it or hate it, tell us how it went:

Comment below and spill the details.

Share a picture with us on Facebook.

Share a photo of your destination on Twitter or Instagram and use hashtag #rookiemoms.

Or, link in the comments to your own blog post about this challenge.

Some of our community of rookie moms did this challenge, check it out!

Baby’s day out at Mike’s high-security office >
Baby Garrity visits me at work and I love it >
Visiting Aunt Leslie at work >
Brooks wore a full suit to Dad’s office >

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